(my documents/electronic arts/the sims 4/saves) Make sure to extract the file and place it in your saves folder: Recommended Mods: Pleasant Sims has a great mods list here( ), but I also recommend any of the mods by KawaiiStacie( ). Lots inspired by Pleasantview, Riverview, Strangetown, Old Town, The Royal Academy from MySims Kingdom, The Velvet Room from the Persona series, Lucky Palms and Sunset Valley My husbandos Chaz McFreely and Oscar Del Fuego are here, too. JUSTICE for Sims 4 promo sims (they deserve love too) Justice for Liberty Lee and every sim whitewashed by EAĬOMPLETE family trees for iconic Maxis familiesįamilies inspired by classic sims games from the ENTIRE series New traits, skills and stories for ALL Maxis Families NO expansion packs, game packs, or stuff packs required! This is The Original Fishy Save File, a passion project dedicated to the entire sims series! Inspired by youtubers such as lilsimsie and Plumbella! My new Sims 4 save file is now ready for beta testing!